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Treatment for Children

Parents & Carers notice improved posture, balance, co-ordination and the ability to cope better with the effects of trauma and mental illness.


Benefits may include:


  • healthier children with better concentration,

  • improved sleeping patterns,

  • growing pains

  • Trauma and other emotional issues like bullying or divorce

  • enhanced motor control & behaviour,

  • leading to quieter, happier children.

Treatment options for young children



Kids will be kids, if its not one thing then it’s another, right?


Children’s robust activities, along with growing pains, such as skeletal and muscular development can be helped. Additionally, breathing problems, ears nose and throat issues and many other childhood health problems are easily addressed.


I also see many young children that are affected by anxiety, most commonly these children have been bullied at school.  This can affect your child emotionally in so many ways from being sad, worried, poor sleeping, anger issues and even personality changes. Treatment allows your child to feel more in control of their feelings, effectively calming the mind and re balancing the nervous system.

Treatment has also shown improvement in Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or (ADD), Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  The treatments help mood and in most cases have a calming effect by balancing the nervous system.  These treatments do not interfere with any other medical care you are currently undertaking, which gives you additional support for your child.  


How many treatments are required?


I like to do 2 treatments 1 week apart, and then have a break and let you see if the treatment is working for your child.  Some childhood ailments may require regular therapy sessions and your child will be able to tell you when they feel they need their next treatment.  Commonly once a month or every 3 months.  I can guide you, but ultimately you know as a parent what is of benefit and when you need to seek treatment; you know your child far better than I do.


Here’s what you can expect in a treatment


A child's Bowen & Emmett Treatment session is very gentle, most report a pleasant and relaxing experience. All therapy sessions are carried out through light clothing, whilst the parent / guardian remains in the room.


Don’t worry if you think your child will not sit still or lye on a table for treatment.  These treatments are not reliant on a child relaxing.  I can treat your child as they walk around a room or sitting on your lap if need be.  Some children lay down for a short period and then squirm around on the table sitting up then laying down again. I can assure you the treatment is effective regardless of how we do it.  


Facilitating PERPETUAL MOVEMENT for the body and soul


Leumeah NSW 2560


Donna:  0425 345 617

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